In the UK, 35% of work-related ill health cases (equivalent to 490,000 cases) relate to musculoskeletal disorders, to which Display Screen Equipment DSE / VDU work is one of the contributing factors. It is a legal requirement for companies and organisations to carry out a DSE Assessment for everyone in their staff who work with computers.
In addition to the legal requirements, good DSE / VDU Assessments generally help in improving the staff morale and productivity and can create an increased sense of wellbeing.
We at Safescope have been providing DSE / VDU Assessment services for more than a decade and will be pleased to assist in assessing your staff, however, if you choose to train your own staff member to carry out DSE / VDU Assessments, we will be also be pleased to train the nominated individuals in your organisation so that they can carry out the assessments for their colleagues.
In addition to background knowledge, this training heavily focuses on practical exercises and tutorials to equip the attendees to carry out the DSE / VDU Assessments on their own with confidence.
Our qualified and competent trainers not only provide the DSE / VDU Assessment Training, but also carry out DSE / VDU Assessments frequently. Therefore, this training course draws upon and reflects this practical knowledge and experience and provides hands-on problem solving techniques in different assessment scenarios.
This course is intended to train the attendees, enabling them to carry out the DSE / VDU Assessments independently.