T: 01473 407020              

Construction Site Accident / Incident Investigations


Construction sites are hazardous by their very nature and various construction site activities occurring on site may result in occasional accident and near miss incidents.

The cost of accidents particularly those resulting in a fatality, major or even a minor injury can be crippling to the Principal Contractors and the Contractors.

Health and Safety Executive (HSE) strongly advises to carrying out a thorough investigation following an accident or a near miss incident to learn from this to prevent costly accidents later.

From our experience, a good third-party independent investigation carried out immediately following an accident or near miss incident on construction site helps the relevant Principal Contractor or Contractor to avoid the reoccurrence and better protect themselves in case of a compensation claim.

Safescope Approach

At SafeScope we assist Principal Contractors and Contractors in carrying out independent and impartial third-party Accident Investigations.

We specialise in CDM and Construction Health and Safety services. We have a thorough understanding of construction health and safety issues and have been dealing with accidents and near miss incidents occurring on construction site since our inception in 2008.

Accidents and near miss incidents on construction sites can be very difficult and traumatic experience for those who are directly involved or witness to the event. Hence, our approach involves helping and assisting the relevant parties as a matter of urgency and aim to visit the relevant construction site as soon as possible. In addition, we help our Clients in fulfilling the legal requirements for reporting certain accidents or near miss incidents to the HSE as required under RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations).

We are based in Ipswich - Suffolk and we have been providing Accident Investigation service to construction related companies in London, East of England (East Anglia), East Midlands, South East Regions and nationally.

Safescope Accident Investigation London

Service Details

Our Accident Investigation service includes the following;

  • Providing prompt professional advice on what actions to take following an accident or near miss incident on a construction site.
  • Visiting the construction site as a matter of urgency.
  • Carrying out thorough investigation on the site including conducting interviews, taking pictures and seeking further relevant information, as necessary.
  • Preparing a formal written Accident Investigation Report following the site visit to include the following;
    • Details about the accident or near miss incident
    • Circumstances leading to the accident or near incident
    • Direct causes
    • In-direct causes
    • Recommended Actions
  • Helping in fulfilling the reporting requirements under RIDDOR.
  • Assisting in implementing the recommended actions.

  • Accident Investigation Cambridge

Our Experience

As mentioned, Safescope has been providing Construction Health and Safety (including Accident Investigation service) since our inception in 2008. Our experience of carrying out Accident Investigations on construction sites ranges from small and minor near miss incidents to major injuries. For further illustration about our Construction Health and Safety services experience please follow the link.

Contact Details

For further information and a prompt hassle free fee proposal please contact us as follows:

Lindsey Heffer - Safescope

Business Management Co-ordinator
T:  01473 407020
M: 07443 789226
E:  LBrown@safescope.com

Dr. Khalid Bhutto - Safescope
T:  01473 407020
M: 07818 288122
E:  KBhutto@safescope.com